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    Office Addresses

    Jubail Head Office

    8628 112th Road. 3rd Support Industries Area
    Jubail, Eastern Province 35729
    Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

    Email: bfim@bfim.com.sa Phone: +966 920022864 Fax: +966 (0) 13 341 1337

    Ras Tanura Factory

    2817 King Khalid Bin Abdulaziz Road, As-Sinaiyah
    Ras Tanura, Eastern Province 32816
    Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

    Email: bfim@bfim.com.sa Phone: +966 920022864 Fax: +966 (0) 13 667 2580

    Oman Office

    1682A Road, 7734, Suite 113
    Block 2277, Falaj Al Qabail
    Sultanate of Oman

    Contact: Ghanim Al Kaabi Email: bfim.oman@bfim.om Phone: +968 220 06582

    Dammam Office

    7265 Prince Mohammed Bin Fahd Branch Rd, Al Muntazah, 7th Floor, EAJA7265, Dammam 34242
    Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

    Email: bfim@bfim.com.sa Phone: +966 920022864